All About Shar

As a Mommy Blogger
I am a creative, strong, and funny mother to three in a transracial, 2-mom family created through domestic adoption. I have always been a kid-person meaning I love kids but also I am a vibrant playful person who remembers what it’s like to be a child.
I made this site to have a place for musings as I straddle my many creative worlds. From talking to some friends and fans, I discovered that lately folks are not focused on my years of memorable work in the sex ed and entertainment field but the fact that I and my wife of 17 years, Jackie Strano, still actually have SEX!
Wow do I get countless inquiries for our “secret sauce.” Luckily I’m not too stingy and like to share any ideas that may or may not work for folks (but hey, trying is always fun!)
As An Author and Editor
I am so happy to have birthed The Femme’s Guide to the Universe (originally on Alyson Press). Now The NEW Femme’s Guide to the Universe
is ready to buy!
I kept notes for it my whole life and of course researched all of the advice whole-heartedly. My first book was an anthology that I conceived and edited Virgin Territory 1 and 2 (Richad Kasak book). I collected real life stories from women of first sexual experiences in order to re-claim what “virgin” means. Nowadays there are countless “real life” erotica collections as a fad–most stories are barely if at all based on real experiences–but when Virgin Territory came out it was the only one. Booksellers did not even have a section for creative non-fiction. The stories in it are epic and true. Some are titillating and some aren’t but they are all a part of feminist erotica and asserting our own truths of our own lives. I also edited and created starphkr the zine which afterwords became a book spelled slightly different: STarf*cker. (Alyson Press). The zine was nominated for an ABA award coming in third to Bust and Bitch both of which have thousands of readers so I was proud of that. I am currently writing essays for her forthcoming book on parenting.
I am very proud to be a Sister Spit alumni—from the original motley crew!
As A Filmmaker
I am the director and co-producer of Healing Sex featuring healer, activist, author, practioner Staci Haines which helps heal intimacy with ourselves and others after surviving abuse or trauma. This revolutionary project helps heal the world from personal and systemic violence. My company’s other endeavors like Hard Love & How to Fuck In High Heels, Sugar High Glitter City or the Bend Over Boyfriend series were created with love to the human race, in particular to lesbians and queers who wanted to see more imagery that looks and fucks like we do! I am serious about education and people feeling good, healed and free to have “checked in” sex. Embodied sex. I love love. Recently I have worked for Good Releasing as one of the directors for GUSH a very comprehensive Pleasure Ed movie teaching all about the G-spot, pelvic floor muscles and female ejaculation.
As A Human
I try to walk the Earth as consciously as I can. I give to many charities and benefits that empower or improve the lives of women and children and their communities. As a part of my human rights and dignity work, I am extremely concerned about classism. I come from a blue collar working class family.
I donate my time or talents or I raise money by donating my time and talents. I am a fan of Captain Paul Watson and contribute to Sea Shepard as well.