Food journalist and author Stephanie Rosenbaum ties up Michelle Meow with Shar’s help. Shar wants to demonstrate her new bondage ties by Luz de la Riva! Decadent chocolate cake from The Astrology Cookbook and more femme adventures. Thanks to Manic D Press for publishing such an awesome book. PS: Good Vibrations stores in the bay [...]
Archive for the ‘Love, Life & Sex’ Category
Don’t Mate with the Wrong Person in the First Place!

Okay this video goes from GUSH the g-spot movie to advice on long term relationships to the Hustler Devilish vibrator tried out. Shar’s 20th anniversary of falling in love with Jackie is coming up soon. So comedian Belinda Carroll asked Shar about queer long term relationship secrets. Then Michelle Meow can’t stop talking about G-spots. [...]
“I Screwed a Married Man in Uniform–& Faked My Orgasm”

This Love, Life & Sex listener wrote in quite a question. Are you more worried about her realizing he’s bad in bed or that he is married? Lastly Shar reveals her wish for a big bus of lube to take her on tour! Join Michelle Meow and the fabulous Swirl Family on SwirlRadio -dot- com.
Citizen Swirl makes TV Debut

Last Saturday night, October 13th brought out Citizen Swirl debut TV show. October 11th was National Coming Out day and KOFY producers invited us to use that opportunity to bring our radio show to the Telley. Swirl has been an awesome radio show with Michelle Meow at the helm. The episode focused on Coming [...]
She can’t find that special Transguy! (Where are you?)

Love, Life & Sex: Help me find that special transguy to date –NOT online! Part 1: Shar here. I am calling this “part 1″ because I used this listener’s question as an opportunity to teach a trick that has been very successful in creating long-term relationship regardless of the person’s gender, orientation, region, et. al. It [...]
Kandi Burruss: Make Me Over!!

Kandi Burruss Make Me Over! on Love, Life & SexKandi Burruss came to Oakland for the Good Vibrations Oakland store opening and boy did she Make Me Over. That’s the name of one of her new sex toys in Bedroom Kandi. On this episode of Love, Life & Sex Michelle Meow is very concerned about [...]
Retired listener, “Self-love makes me cry because it brings up memories of old loves”

Love, Life & Sex: Retired, single and sad Some weeks shows are more intense than others. I am so grateful for the honesty in this week’s question. “I am 65 and single and I don’t think I will ever date again. I do not need advice on vibrators or orgasms I was screwing before [...]
“The Hitachi Magic Wand Scared Me”

Love, Life & Sex: How to Use a Hitachi Magic Wand ”Scared in Albany” writes, “I followed my friend’s advice and bought the hitachi magic wand. It’s huge! I’m too embarrassed to tell my friend I don’t know what to do with it. I opened it, then closed it, then put it back then to the bottom of [...]
Aphrodite’s biggest threat–Be your strong self and not scare the shy ones

Love, Life & Sex: Strong Femmes and Shy Guys Click that link to hear my answer to: “How does a femme own her sexual power without scaring away the shy butches, transguys, or bois or the ones who need to think they need to be in control?” This is the question in my Love, Life & [...]
That Wascally Wabbit

Love, Life & Sex: That Wascally Wabbit This week’s episode goes on a Rabbit Hunt! Love, Life & Sex listener Jennifer says, “You know that toy that has beads that twirl around, bunny rabbit on the top–it starts to feel like a blender.” She wants help getting a “inside and outside toy.” Shar advises on how [...]